Wealth of Nature" av John Michael Greer
Wealth of Nature" är utgiven 2011, omfattar
240 sidor och är på engelska. Den kostar 137 kr på
för denna bok är energi och ekonomi. Greer tacklar ämnet
på ett både inspirerande och klargörande sätt,
läsningen ger många aha-upplevelser. Ekonomi behöver
kanske inte vara ett så svårt ämne.
är inte nådig mot professionella ekonomer. Sedan instiftandet
1968 av även ett ekonomipris till Nobels minne har ju många
ekonomer blivit belönade, men långt ifrån alltid
har deras teorier visat sig hållbara:
ironic, in fact, how few benefits industrial societies seem to have
gained from their economic experts in the last few decades... it has
become uncomfortably clear that whatever the talents of todays economic
profession happen to be, making meaningful predictions about economic
policy is not one of them."
sig mot Ernst Schumacher (författare till "Small is
beautiful"), skriver Greer om primära och sekundära
Schumacher drew a hard distinction between primary
goods and secondary goods. The
latter term includes most of what is dealt with by conventional economics:
the goods and services produced by human labor and exchanged among
human beings. The former includes all those things necessary for human
life and economic activity that are produced not by human beings,
but by Nature ...
primary goods need to come first in any economic analysis, because
they supply the preconditions for the production of secondary goods."
Schumacher stressed the central role of energy among primary goods...
energy is the gateway resource that gives access to all other resoruces.."
Schumacher stressed the importance of a variable left out of most
economic analyses - the cost per worker of establishing and maintaining
a workplace."
tillgången till fossila bränslen i stora mängder har
gjort det lönsamt att - som nu skett - ersätta mänsklig
arbetskraft med teknologi.
av nya oljefyndigheter i Alaska och Nordsjön på 70-talet
borde, menar Greer, ha använts för den nödvändiga
energiomställningen, men man missade s.a.s. det tåget.
Greer talar om "a window of opportunity":
reasonable approach to energy policy would have treated those discoveries
as vital sources of energy to fill in the gaps while industrial nations
made the transition to a new economy powered by renewable sources
and structured to maximize energy efficiency...As the efficiencies
and innovative programs of the seventies gave way to the extravagances
of the eighties and nineties, the possibility of a smooth transition
to a sutainable future went by the boards."
Så långt bokens inledning. Det första kapitlet har
rubriken "The failure of Economics",
dvs misslyckandet för den nationalekonomiska vetenskapen.
konstaterar Greer att de flesta yrkesekonomer, när fastighetsbubblan
växte i USA, förnekade att den kunde utvecklas på
det sätt som sedan snart skedde. Ett liknande mönster har,
menar han, upprepats gång på gång - man verkar inom
denna profesison just inget lära sig av tidigare erfarenheter.
many of these extremely clever people have not managed to apply their
intelligence to the task of learning from a sequence of glaring and
highly publicized mistakes."
an inability to see economics as a subset of a much larger world governed
by non-economic forces remains endemic to the discipline and has caused
some of its more spectacular failures."
economic thinking has evolved to treat the costliest resource to hand,
human labour, as the main limitation to economic growth, and to treat
anything that decreases the amount of labour as an economic gain."
an age that will increasingly be constrained by energy limits... a
more useful measure of productivity might be energy productivity -
that is, output per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE):"
som bara gör fler människor arbetslösa är, menar
Greer, samhällsekonomiskt ingen vinst.
all, a world tat has nearly seven billion people on it and a dwindling
supply of fossil fuels can do whithout the assumption that putting
people out of work and replacing them with machines powered by fossil
fuels is the way to propserity."
andra kapitlet har rubriken "The three economies".
syftar Greer på
Det naturen tillhandahåller.
Mänsklig produktiv verksamhet (omöjlig
utan det första nivån)
Pengar och finansmarknader - "the tertiary economy".
goods and services that must be produced by labor from resources,
money can be conjured from thin air by dozens of different kinds of
financial alchemy,.."
tertiary economy is simply a way of measuring wealth and managing
its distribution..."
recent housing bubbel is a ... remarkable case, not least because
houses - which are usually part of the secondary economy, being tangible
goods created by human labor - were briefly and disastrously converted
into tertiary goods, whose value consisted primarily in the implied
promise that they could be cashed in for a higher price at some future
the price of a secondary good goes up, demand decreases, but this
is not what happended in the housing bubble; instead, the demand increased,
since rising prices made further appreciation appear more likely..."
åerkopplingar" fungerade som en omvänd termostat,
motsatsen till den "osynliga hand" som annars verkar i en
sak när det till sist vände - då skedde en störtdykning.
Förlorarna blev de som inte sålt i tid.
mängder att hus hade producerats till ingen nytta, de blev stående
övergivna. Ett gigantiskt slöseri med resurser!
problem we face now is that the arrangements evolved over the last
century or so only addresses the relationship between the secondary
and tertiary economies. The primary economy of Nature, the base of
the entire structure, is ignored by most contemporary economists,.."
official attempts to stabilize the economy are failing because they
focus on the abstractions rather than the realities underlying them."
klimatfrågan refererar Greer till en annan författare som
menar att man hellre än "global warming" bör
tala om "global weirding":
a simple increase in temperature, but an increase in all kinds of
unexpected and disruptive weather events... significant change in
the capacity of the atmosphere to do its work... it´s an increase
in extreme weather conditions on both ends of the temperature scale."
stämmer ju väsenligt bättre med våra tre senaste
vintrar i Sverige!
några generationer har vi levt med tillgång till billig
olja. En radikal omställning
krävs nu - men under decennierna och seklerna av mekanisering
och datorisering har värdefull vardagskunskap gått förlorad.
Vi har blivit mer beroende och sårbara.
annat problem ligger i att när en omställing blivit ofrånkomlig
har vi redan gjort oss av med resurser, nödvändiga för
att klara denna:
is the trap hidden in the limits to growth; once those limits begin
to bite, the spare economic capacity that would be needed to build
a way out of trouble no longer exists."
pläderar för en annan skattepolitik, som inte beskattar
anställningar och arbete:
arguable tax the wrong things.... no sales taxes and no taxes on income
from wages, salaries, dividens, royalties and rents - that is, no
taxes on the secondary economy at all. Instead, there are two classes
of taxation. The first, on the primary economy, taxes natural goods
and services; the second, on the tertiary economy, taxes interest
income, capital gains, and all other money made by money."
låter förvisso sympatiskt, men hur genomförbart skulle
det vara?
you pump oil from the ground you´re depleting part of the patrimony
of the nation, and you should have to pay the government for that
privilege. When you dump smoke out of a tailpipe, equally, you´re
using the nations atmosphere as a kind of gaseous landfill, and you
should have to pay for that.
natural resource of very kind, under this system, would thus be subject
to an extraction or a pollution tax."
tax code that ...makes it more profitable to
employ human labor to meet human needs, and less profitable to disrupt
the natural cycles that undergird our survival or to feed speculative
excesses that pump imbalances into an already troubled economy -
could be a very helpful asset in a time of crisis,.."